Thursday, June 10, 2004

hey people not many people know about blogs from our class i can tell but anyways who cares just pop by to read this>>>> hahahahahahaha
cant wait go for holidays soon finished my math *my fans abit corky a min it blows out nice cold air later it will blow otu hot air [sigh!? i need to change my fan] hahahaha
hope all of you are having a great time pls tag the tag board whispers"its very pathetic" hahahahahahahahahaha

mrs ang we lurve you
dearest mrs ang,
thanks for teching us for 2 terms
had loads of fun with you singing
the "many man" song with (forgot
that ladies name!? opps) breathing
all the dusty air from our class
we will miss you asking us to take
our LAP books out, greeting us so
with enthu, class hahahahaha
*i figured out that you are going
to kill me for my broken english
hahaha, mrs ang you have played a
most special part of each and
everyone of our lives we lurve and
miss you forever *muack hope you
remember us as much as we will
remember you [goodbye] cya........
*muack *muack *muack *muack *muack

with loads of lurve hugs and kisses, oneseven

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